Laufende Abschlussarbeiten


Julia BELLMANN, The global conservation status of parrots: the importance of species traits and the potential contribution of ex-situ protection.

Stefan BÜRSCHGENS, Zeitliche Etablierung und Auflösung von Kiebitzterritorien in Gebieten mit unterschiedlichem Prädationsrisiko.

Lena FEUEREIS, Veränderungen von Wasser- und Schilfvogelgemeinschaften der österr. March-Auen unter Berücksichtigung von Erhebungen aus einem Zeitraum von 1991 bis 2022.

Marina FISCHER, Ecomorphology of tropical understory birds: a case study across a gradient of vegetational complexity in the Pacific lowlands of Costa Rica.

Luka GAŠPAR, Taxonomic diversity of nocturnal moths during succession on reforestation sites in the Golfo Dulce region of Costa Rica.

Tomislav GAŠPAR, The influence of snow cover on the reproductive fitness of urban kestrels Falco tinnunculus.

Thomas GSTÖTTNER, Habitatansprüche und Bestandsentwicklung des Haussperlings (Passer domesticus) in Wien.

Evelyn HOFER, Effects vegetation structure and landscape matrix on bird assemblages in secondary forests within the Biological Corridor La Gamba, Costa Rica.

Melanie HOPPMANN, Conservation value of secondary forests and reforestation areas for amphibians in the Biological Corridor La Gamba, Costa Rica.

Christin Errollion HRISTOVA, Climate Change drives distribution range shift of Noctuidae in central Europe.

Katharina HUCHLER, Functional diversity of nocturnal moths during succession on reforestation sites in the Golfo Dulce region of Costa Rica.

Juliana ILLMAIER, Klimatisch bedingte Arealausbreitung ausgewählter mitteleuropäischer Nachtfalter (Familie Erebidae) in den Norden.

Daniel JERGA, Change in functional diversity of nocturnal Lepidoptera in Danubian floodplain forrest.

Catherine KIRSCH, To what extent are distress calls of tropical understory birds related to habitat preferences and social interactions?

Jennifer KLEHR, Phylogenetic diversity of moths on an elevational gradient in the pacific northwest (Oregon, USA) in relation to ecological parameters and conservation aspects.

Kai KOLODZIEJ, The importance of species’ traits for temporal abundance changes in amphibians and reptiles in different lowland forest types in southwestern Costa Rica.

Dennis KOLLARITZ, Diversity of amphibians and reptiles in countryside habitats in the Pacific lowlands of Costa Rica.

Dominik KRANL, Differences in recapture rates of tropical understory birds between primary and secondary rain forest of the Golfo Dulce region, Costa Rica.

Samuel MESSNER, The importance of accumulated driftwood for xylobiotic beetles in Donau-Auen National Park.

Anna-Lena Susanna MIEKE, Diversity and habitat requirements of openland birds in a tropical countryside in southwestern Costa Rica.

Theresia OTTO, Vogelkundliche Bedeutung von Retentionsbecken im Weinviertel.

Martina PASTNER, Scientifical management of the Northern Rockhopper Penguin (Eudyptes moseleyi) ex situ population at Zoo Vienna.

Felix PUFF, Odonate communities along natural and anthropogenic gradients in the Alps of Northern Italy.

Zita ROITHMAIR, Species Richness and Phylogenetic Diversity of Sterrhinae in Europe (Geometridae, Lepidoptera).

Isabella SEHNER, The current status of nocturnal Lepidoptera assemblages in the conservation area Heferlberg-Glaslauterriegel-Fluxberg in Lower Austria.

Isabella SEHNER, The taxonomic status of boreal-montane and arctic-alpine Lepidoptera – revisited through DNA barcode data.

Marco SPRENGNAGEL, Butterfly community compositions of the (semi-) dry grasslands in the conservation area Glaslauterriegel-Heferlberg-Fluxberg – Establishing transects for long-term monitoring.

Julia STALLEKER, Die Signatur des Klimawandels. Über das Auftreten zusätzlicher Generationen von Nachtfaltern im Jahresablauf.

Martin SUANJAK, Pre-migration dispersal behaviour of juvenile Western Marsh Harriers (Circus aeruginosus) in Eastern Austria.

Christof VIEHAUSER, DNA-sequence based species delineation in birds.

Isabella WEIS, Changes in the Odonata fauna of the Seewinkel region (Eastern Austria) over a period of 20 years.

Jan WESTERHOFF, Populationsdichten und Bruterfolg der Schafstelze (Motaclilla flava) in unterschiedlichen Offenlandhabitaten im Seewinkel.