Laufende Abschlussarbeiten


Julia BELLMANN, The global conservation status of parrots: the importance of species traits and the potential contribution of ex-situ protection. (betreut von: Christian H. Schulze)

Anna Lisa BERGER, Butterflies and Diurnal Moths in the Peatbogs of Bad Mitterndorf. (betreut von: Konrad Fiedler)

Stefan BÜRSCHGENS, Zeitliche Etablierung und Auflösung von Kiebitzterritorien in Gebieten mit unterschiedlichem Prädationsrisiko. (betreut von: Christian H. Schulze)

Marina FISCHER, Ecomorphology of tropical understory birds: a case study across a gradient of vegetational complexity in the Pacific lowlands of Costa Rica. (betreut von: Christian H. Schulze)

Luka GAŠPAR, Taxonomic diversity of nocturnal moths during succession on reforestation sites in the Golfo Dulce region of Costa Rica. (betreut von: Konrad Fiedler)

Tomislav GAŠPAR, The influence of snow cover on the reproductive fitness of urban kestrels Falco tinnunculus. (betreut von: Christian H. Schulze)

Juliana ILMAIER, Klimatisch bedingte Arealausbreitung ausgewählter mitteleuropäischer Nachtfalter (Familie Erebidae) in den Norden. (betreut von: Konrad Fiedler)

Daniel JERGA, Change in functional diversity of nocturnal Lepidoptera in Danubian floodplain forrest. (betreut von: Konrad Fiedler)

Catherine KIRSCH, To what extent are distress calls of tropical understory birds related to habitat preferences and social interactions? (betreut von: Christian H. Schulze)

Kai KOLODZIEJ, The importance of species’ traits for temporal abundance changes in amphibians and reptiles in different lowland forest types in southwestern Costa Rica. (betreut von: Christian H. Schulze)

Dennis KOLLARITZ, Diversity of amphibians and reptiles in countryside habitats in the Pacific lowlands of Costa Rica. (betreut von: Christian H. Schulze)

Dominik KRANL, Differences in recapture rates of tropical understory birds between primary and secondary rain forest of the Golfo Dulce region, Costa Rica. (betreut von: Christian H. Schulze)

Johanna LECHLEITNER, Roosting Ecology of Pipistrellus kuhlii and Pipistrellus nathusii in the Seewinkel region, Austria.
(betreut von: Christian H. Schulze)

Stefanie MAURER, Changes in species composition of Odonata assemblages in the Donau-Auen National Park (Austria) over a period of 18 years, considering effects of river restoration measures. (betreut von: Christian H. Schulze)

Samuel MESSNER, The importance of accumulated driftwood for xylobiotic beetles in Donau-Auen National Park. (betreut von: Christian H. Schulze)

Anna-Lena Susanna MIEKE, Diversity and habitat requirements of openland birds in a tropical countryside in southwestern Costa Rica. (betreut von: Christian H. Schulze)

Martina PASTNER, Scientifical management of the Northern Rockhopper Penguin (Eudyptes moseleyi) ex situ population at Zoo Vienna. (betreut von: Christian H. Schulze)

Sofia RAFFETSEDER, Response of flower-visiting hummingbirds to sit-and -wait predators: Effects of foraging behaviour an d body size.
(betreut von: Christian H. Schulze)

Carolina REISSINGER, Patterns of species turnover in understory bird assemblages over a 3-year period in a chronosequence of secondary forest age in the Biological Corridor La Gamba, Costa Rica. (betreut von: Christian H. Schulze)

Fabiola Karla STRECKER, Ecomorphology of tropical understory birds: a case study across a gradient of vegetational complexity in the Pacific lowlands of Costa Rica. (betreut von: Christian H. Schulze)

Christof VIEHAUSER, DNA-sequence based species delineation in birds. (betreut von: Konrad Fiedler)

Manuela VILLA VILLEGAS, Effects of plant community composition on bird, bat, and arthropod communities in olive farms in Tuscany, Italy.
(betreut von: Christian H. Schulze)

Vanessa WALTHER, Nest predation in different 
forest types in the Biological Corridor La Gamba, Costa Rica: effects of vegetation structure an d landscape composition. (betreut von: Christian H. Schulze)

Jan WESTERHOFF, Populationsdichten und Bruterfolg der Schafstelze (Motaclilla flava) in unterschiedlichen Offenlandhabitaten im Seewinkel. (betreut von: Christian H. Schulze)