Completed Theses



Lena FEUEREIS, Veränderungen von Schilf- und Wasservogelgemeinschaften der March-Auen (Ostösterreich) zwischen 2008 und 2022. e-theses

Naemi FROTTIER, The influence of tree species identity and diversity on invertebrate abundance and diversity in relation to habitat quality. e-theses

Thomas GSTÖTTNER, Habitatansprüche und Bestandsentwicklung des Haussperlings (Passer domesticus) in Wien.

Evelyn HOFER, Effects of vegetation structure and landscape matrix on bird assemblages in secondary forests within the Biological Corridor La Gamba, Costa Rica. e-theses

Melanie HOPPMANN, Conservation value of secondary forests and reforestation areas for amphibians in the Biological Corridor La Gamba, Costa Rica.

Christin Errollion HRISTOVA, Climate Change drives re-arrangement of distribution ranges among Noctuidae moths in central Europe. e-theses

Felix PUFF, Functional traits of Odonata in an alpine region: Anisoptera and Zygoptera respond differently to an altitudinal and habitat structure gradient.

Zita ROITHMAIR, Spatial patterns of species richness and phylogenetic diversity of European Sterrhinae (Geometridae, Lepidoptera). e-theses

Julia STALLEKER, Die Signatur des Klimawandels. Über das Auftreten zusätzlicher Generationen bei Polyommatus icarus und Lycaena tityrus im Jahresablauf. e-theses




Lea GIBITZ LAMBERT, The importance of urban greenspaces as biodiversity hotspots for montane birds in a Neotropical city: A case study from Cochabamba, Bolivia. e-theses

Marta KAROLAK, Functional composition of ground-dwelling ant communities along a succession gradient in reforestation areas of Golfo Dulce in Costa Rica. e-theses

Samuel ORSCHLET, The role of arable landscapes as breeding sites for yellow wagtails (Motacilla f. flava) in the national park Neusiedler See-Seewinkel. e-theses

Ben ROCK, Analyse der Insektenbiomasse aus Malaise-Fallen-Fängen in verschiedenen Habitaten im Osten Luxemburgs. e-theses

Theresia OTTO, Vogelkundliche Bedeutung von Hochwasserschutzflächen im Weinviertel, Niederösterreich. e-theses

Isabella SEHNER, The genetic structure of boreo-montane and arctic-alpine Lepidoptera in Europe - revisited through mt-DNA barcodes. e-theses

Tamara SEIBERL, Butterflies of the pre-alpine region: effects of land use and landscape composition on species diversity. e-theses

Martin SUANJAK, Post-fledging dispersal of Western Marsh Harriers (Circus aeruginosus). e-theses

Isabella WEIS, Changes in the Odonata fauna of the Seewinkel region (Eastern Austria) over a period of 20 years. e-theses


Kerstin BAUMGARTNER, Untersuchung der Effektivität von Kotspürhunden beim Nachweis kleiner und großer Beutegreifer. e-theses

Fabian BARTUSEL, Possible change in species diversity and species composition of nocturnal Lepidoptera in the Danubian floodplain after over ten years. e-theses

Florian BAYER, Auswirkungen der Wiederherstellung der hydrologischen Konnektivität von March-Seitenarmen (Niederösterreich) auf Libellenzönosen. e-theses

Erika DEPISCH, Butterfly-flower networks in different grassland types in the National Park Neusiedler See / Seewinkel. e-theses

Johannes HAUSHARTER, Abundance-suitability relationships in tropical Odonata. e-theses

Jennifer Lisa INSUPP, Temporal species turnover in amphibian and reptile species assemblages: a comparison between forest and oil palm plantations. e-theses


Frederik AMANN, Ecological Analysis of a Declining Population of the penduline tit (remiz pendulinus) at Morava River in Eastern Austria. e-theses

Patrick BUHMANN, Effects of urbanization on abundance, morphology, body condition and ectoparasite load in small mammal species. e-theses

Stefanie JIROUT, Charakterisierung von Larvalhabitaten des Osterluzeifalter Zerynthia polyxena (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) in Wien. e-theses

Marlene Wiltraud KLISA, Charakterisierung von Brutplätzen des Mauerseglers (Apus apus) im ländlichen Raum im Rahmen eines Citizen-Science-Projektes im Landkreis Fulda. e-theses

Paulus LEIDINGER, Effects of different mesh sizes of mist nets on trapping efficiency of tropical understorey birds and implications for avian biodiversity studies. e-theses

Björn Erik MATTHIES, Ant assemblages of forest and grassland in a riverine landscape in Eastern Austria are differentially impacted by flood risk. e-theses

Felix MEYER, Ecomorphology of Odonata community in the southern Pacific lowlands of Costa Rica. e-theses

Katharina NEUGEBAUER, Darstellung von Natur- und Umweltschutz in aktuellen Bilderbüchern seit 2013 unter dem Aspekt der Dichotomie Natur - Kultur. e-thesis

Laura RENNER, Changes in population size and occurrence of the little bittern “Ixobrychus minutus” over a period of 25 years at water bodies embedded in the urbanized landscape of Vienna. e-theses


Caroline Verena FRAUNDORFER, Changes in bird assemblages along an elevational gradient in the Eastern Alps (National Park Gesäuse) between 2006 and 2016. e-theses

Katharina HUCHLER, Effects of weather on breeding phenology of urban Eurasian kestrels Falco tinnunculus. e-theses

Johanna Cristina KRECKÉ, Influence of grazing on Orthoptera on the flood protection embankment at the Donau-Auen National Park (Austria). e-theses

Romana NETZBERGER, Artenvielfalt und funktionelle Eigenschaften der Pflanzenwespen (Symphyta) im Nationalpark Gesäuse. e-theses

ernhard PACES, Trophic position determines the persistence of neotropical understory birds after forest disturbance. e-theses

Victor Sebastian SCHARNHORST, Ant community composition and functional traits in newly established grasslands within agricultural landscapes. e-theses

Randy Charles TEAL, A camera trapping study on the spatial distribution of terrestrial mammals within a human-dominated landscape in the Pacific lowlands of Costa Rica. e-theses

Britta UHL, How much are isolated relict forest reserves influenced by local and external factors? A case study on vegetation and moths in Northern Italy. e-theses

Mirko WÖLFLING, The status of a Mediterranean forest reserve (Pineta San Vitale, Ravenna) prone to degradation: A case study on moths. e-theses


Arwin KARAIAN, Ein Vergleich von alten und kürzlich etablierten Kolonien des Bienenfressers (Merops apiaster) in Ostösterreich: Landschaftsstruktur, Fütterungsrate und Bruterfolg. e-theses

Christoph KAULA, What habitat and landscape matrix variables affect the suitability of city parks for Red Squirrels? A case study from Vienna, Austria. e-theses

Barbara KOFLER, Evidence for seasonal changes in population structure of Reed Buntings (Emberiza schoeniclus) in the Lake Neusiedl Region: A stable-isotope approach. e-theses

Simon Kurt KOFLER, Use of conspecific attraction to influence the breeding habitat selection of the Whinchat (Saxicola rubetra). e-theses

Daniela KREBBER, Resource partitioning in frugivorous understory birds. e-theses

Julia PATERNO, A camera trapping study on medium-sized and large mammals, with a focus on predators of ground-breeding bird nests, across an elevational gradient in the Verwall Alps, Vorarlberg, Austria. e-theses

Stefanie Anna Maria RECHNITZER, Halophytes at soda pans in northern Burgenland under the influence of soil conditions and conservation management. e-theses

Janette SIEBERT, Effects of predation risk, human disturbance and reproductive status on vigilance behavior of Austrian Eurasian Curlews (Numenius arquata). e-theses

Martina WIESER, Testing methods of species delimitation with tiger moth samples from a diverse Neotropical lowland rainforest. e-theses