Completed Theses



Lena FEUEREIS, Veränderungen von Schilf- und Wasservogelgemeinschaften der March-Auen (Ostösterreich) zwischen 2008 und 2022. e-theses

Naemi FROTTIER, The influence of tree species identity and diversity on invertebrate abundance and diversity in relation to habitat quality. e-theses

Thomas GSTÖTTNER, Habitatansprüche und Bestandsentwicklung des Haussperlings (Passer domesticus) in Wien. e-theses

Evelyn HOFER, Effects of vegetation structure and landscape matrix on bird assemblages in secondary forests within the Biological Corridor La Gamba, Costa Rica. e-theses

Melanie HOPPMANN, Conservation value of secondary forests and reforestation areas for amphibians in the Biological Corridor La Gamba, Costa Rica. e-theses

Christin Errollion HRISTOVA, Climate Change drives re-arrangement of distribution ranges among Noctuidae moths in central Europe. e-theses

Felix PUFF, Functional traits of Odonata in an alpine region: Anisoptera and Zygoptera respond differently to an altitudinal and habitat structure gradient.

Zita ROITHMAIR, Spatial patterns of species richness and phylogenetic diversity of European Sterrhinae (Geometridae, Lepidoptera). e-theses

Julia STALLEKER, Die Signatur des Klimawandels. Über das Auftreten zusätzlicher Generationen bei Polyommatus icarus und Lycaena tityrus im Jahresablauf. e-theses




Lea GIBITZ LAMBERT, The importance of urban greenspaces as biodiversity hotspots for montane birds in a Neotropical city: A case study from Cochabamba, Bolivia. e-theses

Marta KAROLAK, Functional composition of ground-dwelling ant communities along a succession gradient in reforestation areas of Golfo Dulce in Costa Rica. e-theses

Samuel ORSCHLET, The role of arable landscapes as breeding sites for yellow wagtails (Motacilla f. flava) in the national park Neusiedler See-Seewinkel. e-theses

Ben ROCK, Analyse der Insektenbiomasse aus Malaise-Fallen-Fängen in verschiedenen Habitaten im Osten Luxemburgs. e-theses

Theresia OTTO, Vogelkundliche Bedeutung von Hochwasserschutzflächen im Weinviertel, Niederösterreich. e-theses

Isabella SEHNER, The genetic structure of boreo-montane and arctic-alpine Lepidoptera in Europe - revisited through mt-DNA barcodes. e-theses

Tamara SEIBERL, Butterflies of the pre-alpine region: effects of land use and landscape composition on species diversity. e-theses

Martin SUANJAK, Post-fledging dispersal of Western Marsh Harriers (Circus aeruginosus). e-theses

Isabella WEIS, Changes in the Odonata fauna of the Seewinkel region (Eastern Austria) over a period of 20 years. e-theses


Kerstin BAUMGARTNER, Untersuchung der Effektivität von Kotspürhunden beim Nachweis kleiner und großer Beutegreifer. e-theses

Fabian BARTUSEL, Possible change in species diversity and species composition of nocturnal Lepidoptera in the Danubian floodplain after over ten years. e-theses

Florian BAYER, Auswirkungen der Wiederherstellung der hydrologischen Konnektivität von March-Seitenarmen (Niederösterreich) auf Libellenzönosen. e-theses

Erika DEPISCH, Butterfly-flower networks in different grassland types in the National Park Neusiedler See / Seewinkel. e-theses

Johannes HAUSHARTER, Abundance-suitability relationships in tropical Odonata. e-theses

Jennifer Lisa INSUPP, Temporal species turnover in amphibian and reptile species assemblages: a comparison between forest and oil palm plantations. e-theses


Frederik AMANN, Ecological Analysis of a Declining Population of the penduline tit (remiz pendulinus) at Morava River in Eastern Austria. e-theses

Patrick BUHMANN, Effects of urbanization on abundance, morphology, body condition and ectoparasite load in small mammal species. e-theses

Stefanie JIROUT, Charakterisierung von Larvalhabitaten des Osterluzeifalter Zerynthia polyxena (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) in Wien. e-theses

Marlene Wiltraud KLISA, Charakterisierung von Brutplätzen des Mauerseglers (Apus apus) im ländlichen Raum im Rahmen eines Citizen-Science-Projektes im Landkreis Fulda. e-theses

Paulus LEIDINGER, Effects of different mesh sizes of mist nets on trapping efficiency of tropical understorey birds and implications for avian biodiversity studies. e-theses

Björn Erik MATTHIES, Ant assemblages of forest and grassland in a riverine landscape in Eastern Austria are differentially impacted by flood risk. e-theses

Felix MEYER, Ecomorphology of Odonata community in the southern Pacific lowlands of Costa Rica. e-theses

Katharina NEUGEBAUER, Darstellung von Natur- und Umweltschutz in aktuellen Bilderbüchern seit 2013 unter dem Aspekt der Dichotomie Natur - Kultur. e-thesis

Laura RENNER, Changes in population size and occurrence of the little bittern “Ixobrychus minutus” over a period of 25 years at water bodies embedded in the urbanized landscape of Vienna. e-theses


Caroline Verena FRAUNDORFER, Changes in bird assemblages along an elevational gradient in the Eastern Alps (National Park Gesäuse) between 2006 and 2016. e-theses

Katharina HUCHLER, Effects of weather on breeding phenology of urban Eurasian kestrels Falco tinnunculus. e-theses

Johanna Cristina KRECKÉ, Influence of grazing on Orthoptera on the flood protection embankment at the Donau-Auen National Park (Austria). e-theses

Romana NETZBERGER, Artenvielfalt und funktionelle Eigenschaften der Pflanzenwespen (Symphyta) im Nationalpark Gesäuse. e-theses

ernhard PACES, Trophic position determines the persistence of neotropical understory birds after forest disturbance. e-theses

Victor Sebastian SCHARNHORST, Ant community composition and functional traits in newly established grasslands within agricultural landscapes. e-theses

Randy Charles TEAL, A camera trapping study on the spatial distribution of terrestrial mammals within a human-dominated landscape in the Pacific lowlands of Costa Rica. e-theses

Britta UHL, How much are isolated relict forest reserves influenced by local and external factors? A case study on vegetation and moths in Northern Italy. e-theses

Mirko WÖLFLING, The status of a Mediterranean forest reserve (Pineta San Vitale, Ravenna) prone to degradation: A case study on moths. e-theses


Arwin KARAIAN, Ein Vergleich von alten und kürzlich etablierten Kolonien des Bienenfressers (Merops apiaster) in Ostösterreich: Landschaftsstruktur, Fütterungsrate und Bruterfolg. e-theses

Christoph KAULA, What habitat and landscape matrix variables affect the suitability of city parks for Red Squirrels? A case study from Vienna, Austria. e-theses

Barbara KOFLER, Evidence for seasonal changes in population structure of Reed Buntings (Emberiza schoeniclus) in the Lake Neusiedl Region: A stable-isotope approach. e-theses

Simon Kurt KOFLER, Use of conspecific attraction to influence the breeding habitat selection of the Whinchat (Saxicola rubetra). e-theses

Daniela KREBBER, Resource partitioning in frugivorous understory birds. e-theses

Julia PATERNO, A camera trapping study on medium-sized and large mammals, with a focus on predators of ground-breeding bird nests, across an elevational gradient in the Verwall Alps, Vorarlberg, Austria. e-theses

Stefanie Anna Maria RECHNITZER, Halophytes at soda pans in northern Burgenland under the influence of soil conditions and conservation management. e-theses

Janette SIEBERT, Effects of predation risk, human disturbance and reproductive status on vigilance behavior of Austrian Eurasian Curlews (Numenius arquata). e-theses

Martina WIESER, Testing methods of species delimitation with tiger moth samples from a diverse Neotropical lowland rainforest. e-theses